
Beyond Identity provides Pub/Sub with full authentication event data, helping security and threat intelligence teams investigate and report on suspicious and problematic authentication and device-based events.

About Pub/Sub

Google Cloud Pub/Sub is a fully-managed, scalable, global and secure messaging service that allows you to send and receive messages among applications and services. You can use Cloud Pub/Sub’s to integrate decoupled systems and components hosted on Google Cloud Platform or elsewhere on the Internet.

By building on the same technology Google uses, Cloud Pub/Sub is designed to provide "at least once" delivery at low latency with on-demand scalability to millions of messages per second (and beyond). It is designed for quick integration with systems hosted on the Google Cloud Platform or elsewhere, whether you need one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-many communication, with push or pull delivery. Cloud Pub/Sub is fully managed and global by design, automatically taking advantage of dedicated resources in every Google Cloud Platform region to ensure high-availability without degrading latency - even under heavy load.


Secure Access Platform Overview

Learn more about Beyond Identity's secure-by-design Secure Access platform.

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An Avalanche of News About Snowflake Security

Learn the facts about what happened in the recent attack on Snowflake and how Beyond Identity secured Snowflake's enterprise systems.

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