single sign on

Single sign on that’s twice as easy and twice as secure vs traditional tools

Go beyond the vulnerabilities, bottlenecks and blindspots of traditional single sign on (SSO) solutions with a purpose built secure access solution for modern teams and today's risks.

Beyond secure

Eliminate access risks with a secure SSO solution that’s passwordless, phishing-resistant, continuous, and backed by our patented “Twin-Auth” technology.

Beyond easy

Simplify configuring and consistently enforcing security policies with an always-on and secure approach that enables users with instant access to the right system and data. 

Beyond the surface

Enhance visibility and instantly identify vulnerable authentication paths, indicators of compromise, device misconfigurations and other risks across your ecosystem.

Beyond our platform

Use Beyond Identity on its own, or connect it to your SSO or IDP to streamline decision-making, push audit logs, and other forensic evidence to third party tools to enrich your stack. 

Compare Beyond Identity
to Traditional SSO Tools
Traditional SSO
What is it?
Beyond Identity

A secure-by-design, easy-to-use SSO that offers continuous authentication for both users 
and devices, fine-grained risk policies, seamless security tool integrations, and is fully passwordless and phishing-resistant.

Traditional MFA

Legacy IT solutions designed to provide access to data and systems vs secure gateways. Often based on single-point-in-time authorization that primarily focuses on users only (not devices), using methods that can be susceptible to phishing, such as passwords and tokens.

User experience
Beyond Identity

Provides users with instant access to the right  systems and data with an authentication process that can be completed without passwords and without additional devices.

Traditional MFA

Frequently requires additional steps, additional devices, and a reliance on human memory for password entry.

General security 

Beyond Identity
Secure by design

Can be used as a standalone secure access platform or connected to a third-party SSO/IAM  as a fortification solution.

Traditional MFA

Most require additional security solutions (like Beyond Identity itself) to offset their innate risks.

Beyond Identity
Users and devices

Uses patented “Twin-Auth” technology to continuously validate both user and device identities, as separate but equally-critical components necessary for authentication.

Traditional MFA
Users only

Often only validates user identity, neglecting device security.

Beyond Identity
100% Phishing-resistant

Only ever uses phishing resistant factors to authenticate, including biometric checks and hardware-protected keys.

Traditional MFA

Commonly relies on factors susceptible to phishing (SMS, OTP, Push).

Device posture
Beyond Identity

Continuous checks ensure devices meet security standards, keeping your network safe.

Traditional MFA
Sporadic checks

Infrequent monitoring may not catch vulnerabilities until after they've been exploited.

Zero standing 

Beyond Identity
Just-in-time access

Default configuration provides users with just-in-time, privileged access to applications and systems to complete a specific task, after which access is automatically revoked; all controls managed on the back-end with no disruption to the user experience.

Traditional MFA
Persistent privileges

By default, after initial authorization, users are given perpetual permissions to privileged applications and system, increasing security risks.

Instant revocation 

Beyond Identity

Leverage native and third-party risk signals to make continuous authentication decisions, with the ability to revoke access immediately and disconnect high-risk users, even during active sessions.

Traditional MFA

Limited visibility into real-time user and device risk plus lack of continuous verification makes it impossible to enforce risk-based revocation on a just-in-time basis.

Security stack 

Beyond Identity

Visualizes data from dozens of third-party tools within its platform UI to streamline policy decision-making, and pushes authentication and other forensic data to enrich other tools in your stack.

Traditional MFA

Limited tool integrations and poor visualization capabilities yield a fragmented and inefficient defense system.

AI deception 

Beyond Identity
Connections and in-display

Prevents unauthorized users and devices from connecting to critical communication systems, and visually certifies participant authenticity for end-user audiences with a verification 
badge display.

Traditional MFA
Connections only

Can authorize communication tool connections 
for authenticated users, but cannot visually certify authenticity of call participants.


Beyond Identity

A secure-by-design approach that 
automatically synchronizes with all of your existing directories and sources for seamless joiner/mover/leaver operations.

Traditional MFA

Bolt-on identity governance solutions make navigating user changes a complex task requiring new workflows and training.

Risk discovery
Beyond Identity

Continuously monitors managed and unmanaged devices and user activity at work in your ecosystem to identify misconfiguration issues 
and other vulnerabilities.

Traditional MFA

Limited visibility to unmanaged devices, 
if supported at all.

Get the Facts

Okta Cyber Trust Report

Download this report to understand the origins of Okta’s recent security issues and get strategies to fortify your access security posture.