
By integrating passwordless authentication into your Curity environment, you can eliminate passwords and protect your customers from risks such as account takeover and unauthorized access. With a few simple configuration changes, you can add Beyond Identity as a delegate identity provider in your Curity environment to get up and running in minutes.

About Curity

Curity is a leading supplier of API-driven identity management, providing unified security for digital services. Curity Identity Server is used for logging in and securing millions of users’ access to web and mobile applications as well as APIs and microservices. Built on open standards and designed for development and operations teams, Curity is trusted by large organizations in financial services, teleco, retail, energy, and government services that need enterprise-grade API access security.


Secure Access Platform Overview

Learn more about Beyond Identity's secure-by-design Secure Access platform.

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An Avalanche of News About Snowflake Security

Learn the facts about what happened in the recent attack on Snowflake and how Beyond Identity secured Snowflake's enterprise systems.

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